Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Terrorism busts for the Olympics are starting early

A planned Islamic terrorist attack targeting the Geoffroy-Guichard Stadium in Saint-Étienne during the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics has been successfully foiled. Rokhman B., an 18-year-old Chechen asylum seeker, was arrested for his involvement in plotting the Islamic attack. In contact with ISIS fighters, he aimed to kill ‘disbelievers.’

Surprise! He’s a Muslim. But, there’s more: “Previously unknown to authorities, Rokhman B. and his family arrived in France as asylum seekers in 2023.”


But wait!  There's MORE!
After an Afghan asylum seeker in Germany admitted to raping and assaulting numerous girls over the course of three years, a judge ruled in August that the migrant would not get any jail time. Instead, he would receive probation and sensitivity training, Fox News Digital can confirm.
A 24-year-old German girl, a student from Berlin, was violently attacked and raped by an Egyptian migrant at a beach in Tuscany, near Carrara, Italy. The 25-year-old North African confessed, and in front of the judge, tried to justify his rape, “Her legs were bare, any man would have done like me.” He further blamed the attack on one too many glasses of alcohol and too much hashish.

The bold rapist did not show any remorse for his actions. After all, if a woman is “attractive” and “provocative,” why should it be wrong to take her with violence questioned the migrant.

This article has a list of other rapes, with the 'migrant' rapists often getting off very lightly. https://rairfoundation.com/migrant-rapist-to-judge-her-legs-were-bare-any-man-would-have-done-like-me-video/

Remember all the 'Teach men not to rape!' stuff a few years ago?  And if you pointed out that the one's NOT taught that are primarily of certain ethnic backgrounds, you were called a racist, etc.?


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Sensitivity training like feet first into the woodchipper sounds appropriate.

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Just in case no one is paying attention, the Olympics + France = Muslim's playground

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Sounds like judges can be asses whichever continent they live in.

  4. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Someone or a lot of someones are going to get dead at this Olympics this year. Just like 1968? that episode happened to the Jews.

  5. Gives the terrorists plenty of time to implement Plan 'B'.
