Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Some people are really unhappy at the rise in home schooling;

some are probably actually worried about kids getting a decent education, the rest are worried they aren't getting the required .gov indoctrination.  And the fix is more .gov control.


  1. More of the same big lie. We're from the gov't and we're here to help.

  2. Here in Michigan the Empress of Lansing and her Democrats in control of our legislature are trying to make it harder for homeschooling.
    I think something about registering your homeschool and mandatory testing for your kids.
    My wife and I home schooled our younger daughter. She was so bright but socially awkward. The public and charter schools we tried were both just worthless.
    For example, we bought an old laptop at a Goodwill store for 10 bucks. We just handed it to her, at about age 10, and she figured out how to make it work.
    She designed a video game, including music, and took it to her class. She taught all the kids plus the teacher how to do the same.
    But instead of encouraging her, they just kept teaching her to stay in her lane. We finally had enough and pulled her out for the last time.
    Now she is amazing, working online selling her artwork. She has physical issues, such as only one eye and an anti immune disease. So she lives with us still. But only because we chose to keep her here and not in some assisted living place.
    The government wants to control all of our lives, and it doesn't matter which party is in power. They are both rotten.

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The people that are incapable of defining a woman want to monitor the education of people that rejected their system. Do not placate the lunatics it only worsens their delusion.
