Wednesday, June 05, 2024

"Researchers said the figure included deaths from Covid-19, but also the “indirect effects of the health strategies

to address the virus spread and infection”.

They warned that side effects linked to the Covid vaccine had included ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain haemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and blood clotting."

And yes, there's a lot more.

And this, which I can't copy from, a Japanese official apologizing for both damages caused by the vaccines and the suppression of treatments such as ivermectin.

This post will probably have someone calling me a conspiracy nut again.  As if I cared.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    If there is no troll calling you a conspiracy theorists how will regular folks know you are telling the truth?
