Saturday, June 08, 2024

Most of the media won't talk about it because the bad guys

are of a protected species.
"There is a pattern to the way these things tend to unfold: first, most media outlets and senior elected officials urge everyone to withhold judgment before we jump to any conclusions about what has happened. Then—when we discover that Islamists are responsible—the focus of the conversation immediately shifts to the “far right,” the xenophobes, the angry, racist mob.

The danger is not the people who did the killing, but the people who might be provoked by the killing—their specter of violence a bigger threat than the violence itself.

Or the victims themselves are transformed into the instigators of the violence perpetrated against them: Wasn’t Michael Stürzenberger, the blogger who was stabbed in Mannheim, an “extremist”? Weren’t the 12 staffers of Charlie Hebdo who were murdered in their Paris office in 2015 racist?"

That does seem to be the standard response when they can't avoid the fact that the motivation was "We are ordered to kill unbelievers."

In Sweden the gangs are using a lot of hand grenades, too.  And outside of Sweden there's little written of it, because Muslim gangs.

1 comment:

  1. The micropenised killers need to follow one simple rule: "If your god commands you to kill, start with yourself". This would eliminate most of the problems.
