Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lawdog's Guide to Gun Control by Cake Analogy is still good,

so here it is

A post of his on it here, and the text version is here:

And no, I can't figure how to make it bigger


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    For me (Android / Brave) just clicking on the comic embiggens it.
    The record there is true, and is the basic pattern of totalitarian rule.
    Take a piece, call the remainder the new 'normal" then take more.
    I am old enough to remember when the homosexuals 'only wanted to not be arrested for who they loved". Now they want us arrested for not supporting their predation upon our children.
    John in Indy

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    That’s the point. They want the whole thing. It’s just easier to take in small pieces over time.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Click on image, right click on the image and then select "open in new tab." Once the new tab opens you should be able to enlarge the image.
