Monday, June 10, 2024

"It's horrible, people aren't believing what we say

and doing what we tell them to!"  As if we have reason to trust them, and their numbers.

This covers their whole schtick:
"The prospects for this failing system look bleak. Donald Trump again as US President? The far right making electoral gains across Europe? Murderous political leaders able to act with impunity? Purveyors of disinformation, working under the rubric of The Geneva Project, who proclaim that, “We, people of the world, no longer abide by the tyrannical rule of unelected global officials and their vision of the future”? A collection of anti-vaxxers, right-wing activists, and conspiracy theorists gathered at the World Health Assembly on June 1 to declare their opposition to WHO's efforts to negotiate a pandemic agreement. What is the cause of this breakdown of belief in an international community?"

Couldn't possibly be how WHO has lied and connived and wants control of the world, no way it could be connected to UNRWA assisting terrorists and acting with them, oh no.  And so forth.  No, the only reason we won't prostrate ourselves before their wishes is racism, etc.

Screw these bastards, one and all.


  1. When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

  2. The WHO is giving 'The Who' a bad name. They fooled too many of us with Covid-19.
    But most of us, Won't Get Fooled Again.
