Monday, June 03, 2024

Guy who shoots two cops turns out to be an illegal alien,

suspect in other crimes, and with an illegal gun.  In NYeffingCity.  Why am I not surprised?

Yeah, there's enough TDS out there that they'd want him murdered in jail.  And I think they'd delight in the shitstorm that happened after because "It shows how the insurrectionists and Trumpists behave!" or something.  The level of stupid out there is incredible.

Jury selection has started in the Hunter Biden trial for a firearms offense that would've had an average someone in prison a long time ago.  Assuming the feds bothered to investigate or prosecute it.

The other day AP had a story about how terrible it is that he's being pursued for being a Biden, and how hard this will be on Pres. Gropey, and how terrible it is that the plea bargain was thrown out last year, etc.  With no mention that the part of the bargain that got it thrown out was "If he does this he cannot be prosecuted on any other charges."  Somehow that escaped their attention.  Amazingly.  I'll include the link in case you want to get further pissed at the media.

"House Speaker vows to retaliate", etc.  Tell you what, guy: when you actually DO IT, I'll believe it.  Until then you're just one more noisy politician who won't do a damn thing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:53 AM

    “when you actually DO IT, I'll believe it”
    We may be waiting a looong time. When is hell due to freeze over?
