Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Decisions, decisions...

Outdoor range.  Want to go.  Hot today(still), with a bit more wind than I like for trying loads.  Maybe a couple of degrees hotter tomorrow but lower winds.  So, if I go, it'll be tomorrow.  Long as I have some shade and plenty to drink should be good.  Uncomfortable, but good.

Speaking of weather: the news and weather weenies have been having conniptions the last couple of weeks, you'd swear they didn't know it's most always hot in late June.  I don't know if they're deliberately trying to scare people for some reason* or just being dumb.

*Yes, it may be connected to 'Globular Warmering!', who knows?  They do, and they're not telling.


  1. It seems they CAN sell you on the idea that being warmer in the summer is a new thing... but that is how the Big Lie works.

  2. A few years back one of the female talking heads on the local tv station asked the weatherman if there was a name for all this hot weather we have been having lately?
    He said yes.
    she asked 'what is it?'
    He said 'summer'.
    (yes she was blonde.

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Agree 100%. Years ago I switched to the "original" high endurance. It was not the same. The same was true of the after shave. I saw some online at a "country store" type place. Someone told me not to buy the stuff as it was cheap made in China with a fake label. My Dad used original Old Spice all his life. I have also, until now. I don't know how much longer I will support people who have no respect for me. Getting toooo old...
