Sunday, June 02, 2024

But the good, such as the probe, is somewhat balanced out by the racist bastards

who lie and try to hide it.
Hiring and admissions decisions, he wrote in his message last week, are "based on merit," not race, "in a process consistent with state and federal law."

But Dubinett himself directs a center within the medical school, the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, that houses a race-based fellowship experts say is illegal.
Nor has it explained how the percentage of Asian matriculants shrunk by almost 50 percent since 2018, with most of the drop occurring after a new dean of admissions, Jennifer Lucero was hired in 2020. That decline coincided with a sharp increase in the number of students who come from "medically under-served" areas or identify as "disadvantaged"—indicators that admissions officials say are being used as proxies for race.
While the trends don’t provide proof of discrimination, they are consistent with the accounts of racial gerrymandering from UCLA admissions officers. Lucero has allegedly told officials that the class should reflect the "diversity" of California, where racial preferences have been illegal since 1996, and has attacked those who raise concerns about minority candidates with low test scores. She even made the entire admissions committee sit through a two-hour presentation on Native American history after a Native American applicant was rejected, three sources said.

Etc. ad Bullshit.  Short version: "If you have a problem with less-qualified people being admitted because of their race, you're a racist!"

1 comment:

  1. Ahh,Doing Exactly what IS the definition of racism in the battle against racism. It works, only in the minds of lefties. God help us if they ever decide to take a stand against rape.
