Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Borrowing from a guy on the current French situation

All this, however, takes place in an environment in which the Brits seem most likely to be about to commit national hara-kiri  themselves, by tossing out (on, ironically, July 4) their own Stupid Party (the not-so-Conservatives) and replacing them with the reliably-Communist Labour Party.  But I digress.

Back to the French:  the 1789 Revolution took place against a political and social order which was manifestly unjust and in many cases actually malevolent, wherein an unelected power elite (the Royalty and Church) ran the country at the expense of ordinary people.

It remains to be seen, then, whether the French will revolt against their government again, for precisely the same reasons — only instead of the Royalty being the villains, there is the European Union (only nominally elected by the French citizenry) and instead of the Church, the multiple “religions” of socialist and Green policies.  It sounds like a facile comparison, but clearly it’s enough to frighten Macron, which is why he’s sounding the alarm.

And finally:  after our Revolution, we didn’t hack off the heads of the deposed ruling class, but the Frogs sure as hell did.

So maybe Macron and his lizard people have a right to be fearful.

1 comment:

  1. I'd think that Macron is really aware of his nation's history...
