Monday, June 17, 2024

Because "Intersectionality says they're evil white people,

plus it's different when we do it!"
“I got a question. How come it’s okay for the left to hate the Jews?” Maher asked on Friday night. “Because, obviously, if this was the people at Charlottesville doing this, wouldn’t there be a bigger outcry?”
Yes, it would be huge. But, as noted above, "It's different when WE do it!"


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Interesting that they justify their behavior by lamenting those "dead children in Gaza".
    They conveniently forget the dead children in Israel and the tortured, raped, and murdered Israeli men, women and children.
    And they ignore that it's always some terror loving muslim assholes who start the shit against Israel and not vice-versa.

  2. Terrytheterrible5:01 AM

    What Anon 624 said.
