Thursday, June 27, 2024

Another 'they came from abroad' gang rape,

which went the usual way it does in Europe anymore:
Eight of the nine rapists of a 15-year-old will not serve any time in person. They received suspended sentences, instead. The ninth man was sentenced to less than three years in prison — for the two-hour-long gang rape of a teenage girl — and all must perform 60 hours of community service. What a joke. The tenth was acquitted.
And now we have the added stupidity:
Another German woman, a 20-year-old whose name has not been released, somehow found on Snapchat the phone number of one of the men who received a suspended sentence. She then contacted him on WhatsApp, where she called him a "dishonorable rapist pig" and a "disgusting miscarriage."
But the woman's WhatsApp "assault" was too much for German authorities, who arrested her for making "insulting" remarks to the immigrant. She'll serve three days beginning on Friday in the Hahnöfersand youth detention center — a sentence three days longer than the rapist she insulted.

Ain't being ruled by fine members of the leftist upper class wonderful?

Added: Yes, the cops and various others are not leftist upper class, but the chiefs and some sheriffs?  Lots of politicians and agency heads?  Yes, they are.  If the DA/prosecutors won't prosecute, and officers know pointing out these are not intersectional victims, they're freaking TERRORISTS and the enemy will get them labeled 'problems' at best, 'racist/fill in the blank' at most and their job threatened, their enthusiasm for doing their damned job will go downhill.
Look at what happened with the Brits and the muslim rape/slavery gangs, various cops and social workers knew what was going on 'But I'll be called a racist if I raise attention on this!" kept them quiet.  Yeah, probably lousy cops in other ways, too.

1 comment:

  1. Leftist upper class? Wow, even the plebes, the police, the judges, the court clerks are falling head over heals for their replacements.
    The scourge, the cancer, the rot from those eastern countries is a highly infective organism. That virus has now changed the sensibilities of normal folks into doddering zombies.
