Monday, May 06, 2024

Yeah, indoctrination of the kids starts young,

both with leftist teachers and public pressure like Saint Greta:
Greta Thunberg famously quit school to campaign against climate change.

It was impossible to challenge a pig-tailed child, even if she demanded the world stop functioning.

Recall her tearful “how dare you!” in front of the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019?

It reverberated widely because of her age.

A grown-up making the same plea would be seen as unbalanced.

Yet the idea of Greta as a climate-warrior spokesperson was born when a grown-up activist saw how teen anti-gun crusaders, after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland, Fla., viciously attacked ideological foes with minimal pushback.

No one could argue with a traumatized teen — and that was the point.

The concept has only spread since.

Works on some adults, too.  One day, on a friend's Fecesbook page where she'd been praising the kid, I said that they'd taken an autistic kid(fact), that she was being used for political purposes(fact and opinion), and that the bastards doing it were bastards.  I was immediately hit with "Well, at least she's doing SOMETHING!", and accusations that 'You can't argue the facts of climate change so you're attacking the girl!"  Etc.  When I pointed out that said kid herself had said she's autistic, that just made me an even meaner right-winger and denier than I'd been before.  And all this bullshit was from adults.

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