Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"Why won't these stupid parents trust us to know what's best for their kids?"

A healthcare organization that operates clinics inside Seattle public schools says it can now offer “gender-affirming” hormone treatment to children, emails from a health center program manager reveal.

Emails obtained by The Daily Wire reveal that Neighborcare Health, a healthcare organization that runs clinics in middle and elementary schools in the Seattle Public Schools district, announced in January 2023 that hormone treatments were now included in the “gender-affirming care” it could offer.

“The Neighborcare Health team wanted to share an exciting new update to our School-based Health Center services,” the email from a Program Manager for Neighborcare Health, which was obtained by Parents Defending Education through a public records request, reads. “Our program will begin offering comprehensive, evidence-based, gender-affirming care services to our students and families who need them.”
I think things like this are damn good reason to not trust the bastards.  And that goes from the school boards down.


  1. Want To solve this problem? Hang ANY such "professional". giving such "care" to any minor without explicit parental approval.

  2. My daughter has severe menstrual cramps. She is not only not allowed to bring OTC pain meds to school, the nurse can't even hold them and disburse them and the school does not keep ANY pain killers of any sort (not even baby aspirin) on hand. Yet they can disburse harmful, unvetted hormones to kids. Makes a lot of sense, no? My take: what will finally kill the trans movement against kids will be lawsuits. No entity will dare give out these meds soon.
