Friday, May 31, 2024

Oh Lord, the stupid... it actually hurts

And a second dose

Hey, if I had to suffer through those, the least you can do is accompany me


  1. The top one simply has to be parody. Coast Guard Armored Infantry? Uh huh.
    The bottom one, sadly, seems all too real.

  2. Chams908:11 PM

    A Armorer that doesn't know a forward assist button he's a freaking liar or a fool.

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Thought it was the "make the ftf failure into an armourer's-only fix for whoever picks the inert paperweight out of your terminally surprised hands" button. Some may misuse it as a silent lock completion to avoid waking up the wabbits.

  4. Sailorcurt5:09 AM

    Yes, what Tripwire said...the top one is obviously satire or parody.

    The second one, sadly, seems like a legitimate idiot. I have no problem with people having an opinion on subjects they know nothing about...we're all entitled to our opinions, even if they're based on fantasy...but speaking with a "voice of authority" on a subject one understands so poorly is truly the sign of an abject moron, or a leftist.
