Friday, May 24, 2024

It appears Trump can manage to live in their heads constantly

I figured the 'use of force' crap over the raid(which they did not want called a raid) was their standard crap; it appears Trump pointing it out really pissed Garland & Co. off.

My first thought is "Tough shit, clowns.  You made a big production raid out of this, including agents in body armor with M16s and so forth, you'd better expect noise about it."  

And this was in a place secured by the Secret Service already, but no, you HAD to have your big production.  Including screwing with evidence for photo ops.  So Garland can kiss my ass.


  1. Last night I saw a video of Garland admitting that he personally authorized use of force.

    Pretty funny. To get ahead of the story (damage control) he inflicts damage on himself and fellow travelers. Which tells me that they did not have a Plan B. Apparently, they didn't think if use of force got out.

    Also, I read that some speculated perhaps a fire fight between fibbies and SS was intended.

  2. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Maybe. But Trump has his own private security also. Possibly to keep an eye on the Secret Service people, who might not have his best interests in mind.
    John in Indy
