Sunday, May 05, 2024

I'm going to put some news up so I'll feel like I've done something constructive

other than get out of bed.

The CDC seems to be ready to do the same fine job with flu it did with Wuhan.

Much like the fine job being done in the Mar-a-Lago case.  Just makes your trust levels do something, does it not?

Now throw in the BATFEIEIO, on top of the other crap, doing more outstanding work.

Just because you're not in the woods doesn't mean you don't have to worry about animal attack.

And Lawdog has some thoughts on duty.  Which has gotten a lot more complicated.

Just or otherwise, there is a very definite perception that District Attorneys would much rather throw the book at someone with no previous criminal history, while the felons and violent thugs get deals.

On the other paw, for a man to be even hinted at any variety of sexual offence, whether it be harassment or outright rape, is to be guilty until proven innocent.

And to certain parts of the howling Internet mobs you can never be innocent — and they will make it a crusade to destroy your life.

A very recommended read

1 comment:

  1. All of these things have their analog in the flow of human history, Western Civilization was supposed to be different. It was until the irrationality of the human herd and the admixture of evil cultures was stirred in and then it wasn't. There are not enough people who will stand against the tide to stop it and we are heading for a new dark age.
