Wednesday, May 08, 2024

How screwed is (formerly Great)Britain?*

This screwed:
But now the maker of the pocket-knife, with its red or blue shell and multiple tools, has bowed to what an English judge last week called the “plague of knife crime” by designing a new range without blades.

In response to an increasing number of countries imposing bans or restrictions on carrying knives, Victorinox, the Swiss firm that produces the pocket tools, is in the early stages of developing the first range of bladeless products designed specifically for activities where a blade would not be required.

'Not required' meaning "The Government and the Crown Prosecutors has no taste for actually going after criminals, we would rather hold all citizens untrustworthy and stupid and ban them possessing knives that can actually cut."

Holy shit, from a country that produced subgun parts in bicycle shops and stood against Hitler, to "No knife for you, we say you do not need it."

*I know most of you know already, but just in case someone wanders by to check out my screeching.


  1. If they cannot get knifes they will stab ya with a blunt stick or beat you to death with a rock. Killers kill.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    This is just silliness gone governmental. Knives are easy to make. If you want to do real harm, use a long screwdriver.

    Great Britain lost her empire almost a century ago. Apparently losing their minds is just a delayed response.

  3. 1. Great Britain is now run by people who fear tools and those who use them.
    2. Making and using a wide variety of tools is one of the main things distinguishing humans from animals.
    3. Therefore, Great Britain is now run by subhumans.

  4. This mentality has been around a very long time in the UK.

    This "formerly Great" nonsense is silly. Even if they once made subgun parts for a military allied effort, at no point does that ever mean that UK'ers ever had US-style liberty or would ever uphold it then or now. Too many Americans forget that the BoR was invented as a reaction to things that the British routinely did to us.

  5. I believe bicycle spokes are the tool of choice for some in South Africa. At the rate Britain is changing, it can't be long until that applies here too.
