Tuesday, May 07, 2024

As nature continues it's quest to kill me,

I'm resisting.

Allergies.  Until about five years ago they rarely bothered me, but starting then, twice a year, they mount major assaults, with smaller skirmishes in between in the summer.  Now, add that to my knees having developed tendonitis("If we can't cripple you by going out, we're going to do this!"), and the last couple of weeks have been bad at times.  And today I started more of a workout to- hopefully- smooth things out, and that was a bit of a mistake.

I know Nature wins in the end, but she has to be such a bitch beforehand?


  1. Sailorcurt3:52 AM

    My Dad always said: getting old is not for wimps.

  2. Been there, done that...
    Fixed it All with carnivore diet. Not joking.

  3. I've heard other people say it helps, may check it out
