Monday, April 08, 2024

Oh boy, it's wonderful out there

Seems Brix and Pence were both a couple of backstabbing shits.

A visiting McGill University scholar wants an “Interpol-like agency” to monitor the internet and the licensing of journalists by the government — all in the name of combating “misinformation.”
I'd suggest control freaks like him be satisfied with screwing up Canuckistan; he comes here for this he should be welcomed properly.  Say, with a flagrum.

Sounds like what they found on the communists phones should be broadcast far and wide.
And the .gov clowns working with them, and the Professional Journalists, all be fired.  At the very least.

Well, Smith isn't eligible to be a Special Counsel in the first place, so everything he's done should be ruled invalid.
Then he should be removed from any government position.  Permanently.

A federal district court in Texas has concluded that the Department of Transportation (DOT) exceeded its statutory authority when it adopted a rule establishing a greenhouse gas (GHG) performance measure for federally funded highways. Under the rule, states were required to measure highway-related greenhouse gas emission, set targets for GHG emission reductions, and track progress toward such targets. The state of Texas objected to the rule and filed suit.

And the last, from the land of Jihad, USA,
Reality had no part in this propaganda display, for if it did, Bazzi would have had to take note of the fact that the Biden regime has betrayed and abandoned Israel both at the UN and in regard to its overall war effort. If Hamas survives this war, it will be because of the tender mercies of Old Joe and his henchmen, who have been doing their utmost to make sure that Israel is unable to succeed in its goal of destroying Hamas, and that Michigan remains comfortably blue come November.

Bazzi, however, clearly wasn’t interested in electoral politics. He invoked the Ayatollah Khomeini and charged that the U.S. was “the backbone of all oppression in the world,” to which the crowd responded with screams of “Death to America” (al-mawt li Amrika). Bazzi showed no reaction, but paused until the screams died down. Then Bazzi brought up Malcolm X, quoting him as saying: “We live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth.”

And Biden & Co. will screw Israel in the hope of getting these America-hating assholes to vote for him.  Because they don't give a damn about anything else.

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