Friday, April 26, 2024

Have I mentioned how sick I am of politicians?

One of my Senators is Lankford, and today, in his monthly "Here's what all I'm doing", on voting for the foreign aid and getting nothing for the border,
This is one of the great challenges of our current political climate. Some people would rather have nothing if they don't get everything they want on an issue. I am a proud conservative, but I also see the national security risk of doing nothing day after day. I worked for months to make some progress closing our wide open borders, rather than just complain about the problem and hope it magically gets better on its own after a press conference. We still have work to do, which is why I was back at it again this week to make progress on closing our open border.
So he voted for it with NOTHING for the border, and we really should shut up about it because it's annoying him.  My interpretation.

The FISA bill ...included 50 new limits on the authority, protections for Americans, and consequences on anyone who abuses the law. There were significant new civil liberty protections in the final version, which I supported.
Because the FBI and others have shown SO much concern for the laws that tell them not to violate said laws, and others, and people's rights.
FISA only applies to foreign intelligence. It is illegal to use that authority to spy on Americans, and the new version of the bill includes fines and jail time for any abuse.
Yet the FBI and others were violating that before, and they will again, but "We made new laws about it!" which is supposed to make it all better.

And the final:
I understand that some people did not want FISA renewed, but as a member of the Intelligence Committee, I am very aware of the importance of learning about terror plots before they happen. We should not ignore the very real threats coming at our nation from foreign terror organizations, even in the past few weeks. We can protect American lives, while also protecting our civil liberties.
Want to bet the FBI & Co. were violating that before it was even signed?
And, though he doesn't mention it, this crap gave the FBI even MORE latitude for doing warrantless searches.

Am I being fair to him?  Well, his statement on the vote included
“Our open southern border has allowed in millions of people from around the world. Without this authority, we cannot investigate if a foreign terror organization is preparing another attack on Americans from one of the many people already on US soil. The United States is a constant target for terrorists, and nearly every day, our intelligence community stops an attack before it happens.
First, hey, know what?  If the Stupid Party had had the integrity and balls to, y'know, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE BORDER THAT WOULDN'T BE SUCH A THREAT.  But there's always a excuse/reason not to, it seems("You can't get everything!", etc.)

Second, 'every day stops an attack before it happens.'  I have to call Bullshit.  Sounds so much like the TSA insisting they stop lots of terrorists but there are never, that I've heard of any details.  Probably because it's said bullshit.

I think the other Senator, Mullin, said basically the same crap.  I don't think my Rep., Bice, has said anything(it's possible she did and I hadn't heard).  

So yes, I'm pissed at all of them.  The usual "If you knew what I did you'd understand" excuses.  I'm going to sign off before I descend into really bad language.

Oh, said politicians: if you have people looking through social media to see if people are upset with you, damn right we are.  And I think you've earned it.


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Primary, primary, primary.

  2. Throw them all out. Get all new representatives and extreme limits on them. Salary, financial transactions, term limit to one term for everyone. Immediate voting to remove any from office. We impeach them, not their buddies. And removal from office for anything that would cause any other American to be fired from their job for.
