Thursday, April 04, 2024

"Did panicking healthcare staff increase covid deaths?"

I've not had time to read through, but I'm posting it  because so far, it's good.  And scary.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    No, MURDEROUS CDC PROTOCOLS that forced the use of murderous ventilators, were responsible for most deaths. Then add BANS on effective therapies like Hydroxychloroqine, Ivermectin, vitamin D, IV vitamin C, and others...all banned to ensure NO documented effective therapies that would have prevented the EUA declaration for the jab and the trillions in profits that followed.

  2. Steve7:10 AM

    I agree with anon, above. Follow the science and it doesn't make sense. Follow the money and you find their $cience. I would like to add that they also changed the definition of a vaccine to fit their narrative.

  3. There isn't a gallows big enough (yet) to hold the hundreds of thousands who need to take "a long drop on a short rope" over this planned genocide.

  4. Treatment protocols and decisions were made OUTSIDE hospitals by bureaucrats, politicians and unelected busy bodies with NO medical training or knowledge.
    And those decisions were IMPOSED under threat of force onto healthcare professionals
    making it impossible to deviate from the governments agenda. I was there. I saw first hand he insanity being imposed.

    1. You always have a choice. Nothing is impossible. My wife lost her job because she didn't play along. We put our trust in Jesus Christ and he delivered!
