Thursday, April 04, 2024

Civil rights victory

The Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a petition for a rehearing in the Second Amendment Foundation’s victory in a case challenging Pennsylvania statutes that prohibit law-abiding young adults from carrying firearms for self-defense and prevents them from acquiring a state license to carry (LTCF) because of their age. The case is known as Lara v. Evanchick.

The petition for an en banc rehearing had been filed by attorneys representing the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police. SAF is joined in the case by the Firearms Policy Coalition and three private citizens, including Madison M. Lara, for whom the case is named. They are represented by attorneys David H. Thompson, Peter A. Patterson and John D. Ohlendorf at Cooper & Kirk, Washington, D.C.


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    SAF (as opposed to NRA) actually does something positive for gun owners. GOA is also very active in court. I’m still getting emails from the NRA to rejoin. Hey NRA, cut the number of board members down to 7 and I might give it a thought right after I win the lottery.

  2. I gave up n the NRA (not really advocating) about ten years ago. GOA is the real deal. I actually got a phone call from the NRA few years ago wanting to know when I would be back. I said when Wayne LaPierre started shopping at Mens Warehouse.
