Monday, April 29, 2024

Attention Republican Party:

Considering the only thing you clowns have presided over the last while is surrenders, the chances of me sending you money are somewhere below zero.

Especially since the only ones who actually seem to try to stand, your own selves screw over.  Because "You're not behaving as We wish."  So screw yourselves.  Without lube, using an old shovel handle.

Sincerely, etc.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Better with a cactus, sideways.

    1. Crotalus10:23 AM

      Shove some Horse Cripplers up their asses! (Echinocactus texensis. Look it up on the ‘net. One scary cactus!)

  2. One of the most egregious examples of this was Illinois republicans releasing republican Jack Ryan’s sealed divorce records. He owed nobody nothing so couldn’t be governor in their eyes.

  3. I've been blocking numbers of Republican fund raising calls wholesale. IF they want financial support from me, they'd better start doing what they promise to do first, consistently, and over the long term.
    They have a long trend of failing to do that.

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Better still with a rusty tetanus-laden chainsaw.

  5. A Pinochet3:37 PM

    Congressman Ron Paul and pres candidate in '08 and '12 was the only GOP member who wanted to actually do what they allegedly wanted to do. Even 'conservatards' were too stupid for RP.
