Saturday, March 16, 2024

We have now come to the time

you have all been waiting for


  1. Terrytheterrible5:27 AM

    Always worth waiting for Fh. Thank you.

  2. I have to say it. I love looking at beautiful women. Of course it is hardwired into all men, but I really, really just love to look at beautiful women.
    It does seem like some women understand this about men, and also like to be looked at, it makes them feel powerful. I feel sorry for women who just don't get it.
    Thank you for posting these every week. It gives me a reason to look forward to weekends. Have a great week and a fantastic upcoming Easter. I like Easter much more than Christmas. It is a Holiday that promises renewal, both due to the coming weather and growing flora, but mostly it the promise of forgiveness because of what Jesus did.

  3. You're welcome.
    And Easter reminds me, I need to get a copy of 'The Ten Commandments'.
