Tuesday, March 26, 2024

One more politics thing and then I'm done for a while

Someone I know has been going through the "How could a Christian vote for Trump?" thing, and I remembered something from the 2016 period.

There was a lot of the same thing going around then, much of the "Oh, brothers and sisters, how can you?" from the same sources as now*, and one guy got an answer.  He'd mentioned he knew a bunch of evangelical Christian people, some who he greatly respected, and he kept asking them that question; some basically said "You just don't understand"(he truly didn't), some refused to go into it, but one man gave him a hard answer, something like
"He's divorced, he's slept around, he's not the kind of man you respect normally, how could you vote for him?"
Hard look.  "Because he doesn't look on us as the enemy, and the other side does."

A hard, simple answer.  The guy admitted that he hadn't really considered that before, but it made sense to him that in a choice between someone who considers you someone to be either altered or gotten rid of and someone who considered you another American who has care for the country, you'd vote for the latter.  Even if he's not what you would consider a good man.

I'd told that to the lady back then, and she either couldn't understand it, or couldn't accept it.  Apparently she still can't.

*A source she used to beat people with is a 'Christianity Today' or something site that, if I recall, has an awful lot of leftist crap added in.  Considering they seemed to have no trouble supporting Hillary Clinton, and Biden, I doubt a lot of people they're supposedly talking to consider them a fine resource on how to think and believe.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    My answer was that I was voting for a president, not a pastor. While he may be flawed morally, what he was promising during his campaign was what I was looking for in a president. And, unlike the career politicians, he actually delivered on many of his campaign promises.

  2. Trump is a professing Christian and attends a Presbyterian Church.
    Has he sinned? Yes. Does he confess that those sins are redeemed by Christ? Yes. Are there ANY Christians that don't enjoy the same grace and mercy? No.
    Christ is King. The same people telling you this about Trump claim that saying Christ is King, like all the apostles did and our Savior did himself to Pontius Pilot, is anti-Semitic.

  3. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Ill support the one against murdering children in the womb for convenience.

  4. Anonymous12:21 AM

    ‐Hard look. "Because he doesn't look on us as the enemy, and the other side does."


  5. Ignore these racist baby killers and their faux beliefs.
    Answer is simple: By opposing abortion and the #blackholocaust in deeds and not empty rhetoric trumps deeds provided innocent unborn with protection via Dobbs decision.

  6. Throughout the Bible are examples of God using sinful men to advance His work. Moses, Saul, David, Paul, etc, all sinned and fell short of God’s glory and yet He worked through them to advance His glory.

  7. Alexander von Rims4:27 AM

    That's also a partial answer to how so many people on the left can vote for Biden and are determined to defeat Trump. Whatever his flaws, Biden doesn't consider us the enemy, as you guys obviously do -- you make that very clear every day on everything from your blogs to Fox News.

    1. Anonymous11:59 PM

      The way to make the tax code fair is to make big corporations and the very wealthy finally pay their share.

      In 2020 55 of the biggest companies in America made $40 Billion in profits and paid zero in federal income taxes.

      Not any more!

    2. Anonymous12:01 AM

      FH - please ignore the previous post quoting part of Bidens SOTU address. Hit the wrong button.
      (No need to publish this either)

    3. Anonymous12:15 AM

      “Whatever his flaws, Biden doesn't consider us the enemy”
      I am a conservative that *knows* a man CAN NOT become a woman. A woman CAN NOT become a man.
      I own firearms. Bribem considers me an enemy to “democracy” because of that.
      All I can say is FJB and every one of his supporters. You dolts voted for the nitwits that all but shut down oil/natural gas production and dissolved our borders.
      Great job morons!! 👍🏻👍🏻

      The oil/natural gas production is the source of fertilizer, fuel and energy independence. Now food costs much more to grow, deliver and stock.
      If the Idiot (not) in Charge doesn’t consider me an enemy, he’s got a very strange way of showing it.

  8. Anonymous4:54 AM

    In a word, redemption.

  9. von Rims, I will state that the people who have trashed education and want our borders open are enemies. And they've done terrible damage to this country. For instance what the governor in Oregon has done to destroy standards for education and graduation; she's doing huge damage to the lives of those kids, and seems to think it's great.

  10. Alexander von Rims6:47 AM

    Firehand: Yes, and the people who consider evangelicals the enemy also have their reasons. The point is that when you know somebody considers you an enemy, you will vote against them, inevitably, regardless of what their reasons are. It shouldn't be surprising.

  11. Anonymous6:48 AM

    "Someone I know has been going through the "How could a Christian vote for Trump?" thing"

    Are you kidding? The proper response to this is, "How could I vote for Trump? How could ANYONE vote for XXXX?!?"

    Every single complaint against Trump fit AT LEAST as well against Hillary (most better), and very, very nearly the same for Biden.

    If you want to be more polite, you could gently ask them their standards for why not to vote for Trump, then list the the 98% of Congress (and past Presidents) that were just as bad or worse.

    It was always a giant pile of projection BS, and should be pointed out as such.

  12. von Rims, I understood your point. Better wording would have been "Some people ARE my enemy, and I think the enemies of this country. Not everyone on the left, but some."

    Problems get really bad when the blanket is "ANYONE who disagrees with me/my candidate on ANYTHING is THE ENEMY!" I think Hillary Clinton blew the election for herself with that 'basket of deplorables' bullshit.

  13. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Anyone saying you must vote the way they tell you to or you are not a Christian is using the Lord's name in vain.

  14. Terrytheterrible2:11 PM

    I'll vote for Trump's policies and anyone who supports America first every time.
