Sunday, March 24, 2024

"Men: it's ALL YOUR FAULT!"

As usual.

Ever notice these people always find a way for women to avoid responsibility for something they're involved in?  Apparently saying "No, unless you wear a condom!" or "No, I'm not laying down on a first date/at a drunk party/who the hell are you?" isn't possible.  Or sexist.  Or something."

I'm reminded of a sign a lady had on her desk: "When women act like men, why can't they act like nice men?"
Short version: "Women, don't be jerks yourselves."  Which would probably get her reported to HR or hanged on social media today for being a misogynist.


  1. For conciseness they are using the proper terms, instead of made up nonsense? Seems about right to me. Idiots.
    I have 5 kids, 3 biological and 2 adopted. I love them all, but given what I know now, I would have gotten a vasectomy at age 18. They would never have allowed that, however. You are not mature enough to know what you want for your entire life at that age, don't you know?
    Instead I had a first wife who after 11 years, decided to divorce me after my 3rd child was 6 months old. I then had to pay child support for 17.5 years, totaling some 137,000 dollars.
    I have been happily married for over 31 years to my present wife. We adopted 2 sisters when they were 3 and 7.
    The thing is, if a women gets pregnant, and I want it, she can still kill it. If she wants to kill it and I don't want her to, I do not get a voice. To make things fair, the man should have a say in what happens to the child. If he doesn't want the baby and the woman chooses to keep it, he should be absolved of all financial responsibility. But of course the baby mama would never go along with such an arrangement.
    This article was one of the dumbest that I think I have ever read. But then I guess any woke article has it's share of crap.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "Ejaculate responsibly"?
    Then swallow, bitch!
