Friday, March 22, 2024

Just the kind of behavior we've come to expect from this agency,

and the nervousness mentioned might explain why a lot of paperwork that's taken months to years has suddenly been going through in weeks.

Recently I've heard of people filing for a suppressor tax stamp getting it back in two-five weeks, with a few people getting them back in a few days.  Speculation was they were trying to clean up their act with the political winds blowing as they are; this reinforces the idea.

We'll see.


  1. I suspect a trap.
    The ATF ain't going to do anything that isn't good for us.

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Doesn't make sense. The Democratic party trend is always to work up until the last minute enacting their agenda on every front and depending on other parts of the deep state to have their backs.


  3. nah, they just trying to get all the folks they can on the record. got a can, must have a gun to go with it. as my homie would says, "its fittin to get real up in he'a."
