Monday, March 18, 2024

I have posted a bunch about Israel, both before and after

the attack last October.  I'm aware some of you don't hold the Israelis in high regard; that's fine.  As said before, I don't consider them angels without flaw, just an actual democratic government in a place where they're about the only one.  And, nominally, on our side.  So, an ally who definitely has its own interests* but is generally with us.

That's the basic.  So when a bunch of bloody-handed murderers, rapists, and torturers attack them again, and they say "ENOUGH!" and pull out the big hammer, I sympathize with and support them.  And it really pisses me off when a bunch of supposed 'liberals' and socialists(face it, there's nothing 'progressive' about them) believe every lie and support the bad guys, and our Professional Journalists seem willing to repeat every claim and flat-out lie by said bad guys, without question...

Which brings us to what I ran across at Insty this morning, from which I will quote about said 'liberals' & Co.:
So whatever one thinks of Israeli policy, or Israel's eventual response to 10/7, one would think, based on my interlocutors' position, that critics of Israeli policy would nevertheless agree on one thing: Hamas must be deposed, one way or another. There is no plausible two-state solution with Hamas in power; the harsh critics are almost all self-styled progressives, and there is nothing progressive about Hamas's policies toward freedom of religion, LGBTQ rights, women, militarism, antisemitism, and so on, nor its constant theft of humanitarian aid. Hamas's rule in Gaza is essentially every Progressive's worst nightmare.

Yet, ever since at least 10/10, when it became clear that Israel's reaction to Hamas's atrocities was not going to be to capitulate, the harsh critics have been all but unanimous in calling for Israel to essentially surrender ("immediate ceasefire") with Hamas still in power, and have almost to a person not called on Hamas to surrender and abdicate. (And self-styled human rights organizations have felt free to make up human rights law, including contradicting their own past public positions in other conflicts.)

I have to admit that I underestimated the mendacity of these people.

Lots of people have.  Which is why nothing they say is trusted any more, or given benefit of doubt.  On a LOT of things.

Now throw in President Gropey & Co. trying to force Israel to lose.  For two reasons:
1. A bunch of muslim voters in a couple of states are threatening not to vote for Gropey because 'You're supporting Israel's genocide against Palisimians!"
2. The asshats at the State Dept., who seem to have hated Israel since the day founded, really want them to lose.**
And I'm really sick of this garbage and the people running it.

*'Nations do not have friends, they have interests' I think is the quote.
** No understanding.  It's like the British diplomatic people having some romantic vision of the arabs and dislike of Jews.  Why?


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. “— Voltaire

    1. Terrytheterrible3:55 PM

      By that measure you say liberals rule?

  2. If you can call it 'not allowed to criticize Israel/Jews', I don't know how. It's rather loud out there.

  3. "romantic vision of the arabs" -- blame Sigmund Romberg.

  4. A Pinochet2:54 AM

    I hate both sides, but I'm disgusted that (((Greenblatt))) of the Anti-white defamation league gets to make false statements about White nationalism while ignoring his violent communist BLM pets.

    AIPAC attacked Congressman Thomas Massie for anti-semitism because he would vote against more aide to Israel. No Grand Ole Pussie stands up for him. I'm okay with stuffing the leadership of AIPAC into an oven.

    But hey, I wonder why some hate these (((people))) so much?
