Saturday, March 23, 2024

How stupid are things?

This stupid.

And this.

And you could keep listing idiocies.  For instance, Occasional-Cortex insisting "RICO is not a crime, so you have nothing on Biden!"(although there you really don't know if she believes that or is parroting her notes, but it's still stupid)

We may be screwed.


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    The surprise here is that none of these stories came from Babylon Bee.

  2. the nickname "Occasional-Cortex" made me laugh out loud. So dumb and doesn't have a clue.

  3. AOC may be a moron but even a moron can be correct occasionally. RICO isn't a crime. It's a manufactured trap the Feds use when they don't have any evidence of an actual crime to charge someone with. If they could prove you guilty of a real crime they would arrest you and charge you for that. Biden is as guilty as the day is long but he should be charged for those crimes..not some manufactured BS.

  4. I think she meant Puerto RICO.
