Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Hmm... So, if you're an illegal alien you can have a gun and it's not illegal

even if you're in a state where a license is required, you can commit felonies including attempted murder(of a trans illegal alien, yet), and be released.

Isn't all this cultural enhancement wonderful?


  1. They're deliberately arming our replacements.

  2. I know this might spark a fire, but wouldn't you agree that the spirit of the 2nd amendment is that it is a God given right to bear arms? That being said walls were also built in biblical times for defense against enemies. I say enforce the laws that are applicable. Deport them ALL!

  3. Question 21e on form 4473 is "are you a fugitive from justice?" An illegal cannot answer that question and be approved for a sale. I suppose a weapon could be given to one to circumvent the process, wonder how loud the Left's cries about universal background checks will be now?

  4. A right of all free people. However, it's long been that someone who comes here illegally can't have guns. Yet a judge who, I'll bet, wants that right restricted as much as possible for US citizens, decides that you can't prosecute an illegal alien criminal for having one?

  5. "Senator, does your demand for universal background checks include for undocumented migrants? If not, why should anyone else have to?"

  6. Andrew7:52 AM

    But the Vets can't have any..

  7. Kate Steinle was unavailable for comment.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Unfortunately correct.

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I'm sure that this opinion will offend some people but I don't care.

    As far as I am concerned, at it's "heart" the US Constitution is a contract among We The People. As non-members of the contract, illegal aliens are not entitled to any of the rights or protections available under the Contract. If they want to enjoy those rights, then they can go through the process of becoming Citizens.

    Simple, eh?

    So, if an illegal alien is caught with a gun, treat them as a "felon in possession" and put them under the jail. Then after they've served their sentence, deport them.
