Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Because it pisses me off so bad, I'm going to talk a little more

about a bunch of Biden supporters.  In particular:
Biden's treatment of women and girls.  The girls in particular.  There are pictures and video going back, what, at least a decade? of Biden putting unwanted hands on women and underage girls, sniffing hair, all of it.  But apparently that never really happened, or it's 'disinformation' or just plain ignored.

Hell, there were a bunch of people on the left right up there with people on the right saying "Why is Biden allowed to get away with this?  Why the excuses and willful blindness, especially from people who scream 'Believe All Women!' and such?"
Well, the answer is, I'd say two things:
First, he's a leftist Democrat and they'll excuse anything for someone like that.  Remember Ted Kennedy and his equally drunken and abusive friend Chris Dodd?  Waitress sandwiches and other horrible behavior?  Someone pinned down one of the bigshots of the Women's Movement at the time and asked how they could tolerate someone who does this being supported by them?  The answer was "He votes the right way", that was all that mattered.  Especially(I suspect) because it was mostly lower-class women like waitresses being abused, "We can tolerate those women being abused if it helps the Cause."

Second, a lot of them have chosen blindness.  Not long ago I pointed out Biden's handsy ways and this somehow became "You're talking about his daughter, she explained that was all misinterpreted from her diary."  Nothing about all the other women and girls, they don't exist.  Either ignored or they refuse to admit the existence of because "He's going to save democracy!"  And, of course they hate Trump so badly they'd rather see the place burn down than have him reelected.

It's friggin' amazing.

Added, because I'm ticked off:
The border isn't really a problem, or not his fault.  The ongoing betrayal of Israel because a bunch of muslim voters in a couple of states hate Jews and Biden needs their votes(let's ignore all the State Department and other staffers who don't like Israel and work hard to influence things) is fine because 'he needs their votes to save us!'.  The economy in horrible shape and getting worse.  The military being screwed to the point that we wind up in a shooting war it's going to be really, really bad.  And the left doesn't care.  Some because they're idiots, some because they want the country trashed because it's part of the leftist plan.

Throw in the long march through the institutions by the left which gives us lots of colleges where you don't dare criticize the left in general and some groups in particular, but you can actively call for the death of Jews and the college will protect you from consequences.

1 comment:

  1. Not aol dems are pedophiles. But ALL Dems have decided that pedophilia isn't a deal breaker. Which makes all Dems complicit in pedophilia and therefore equally guilty.
