Friday, March 08, 2024

As if this administration cares if their appointees are competent

and/or honest.
Dettelbach never mentioned that the manufacturers of the pistol brace, which was originally designed for disabled veterans, received determination letters from his ATF that said the brace was not subject to NFA. He never told Brennan that if 40 million pistol braces were suddenly classified as Short Barrel Rifles by ATF, their owners could have faced federal felonies if they didn’t immediately register their weapons as SBRs. He never disclosed how ATF’s zeal to write and enforce its own laws began in earnest under the Biden-Harris administration, or how the ATF – under his leadership – is getting its butt kicked in court as a result.

Long as they hate the peasants holding to their rights and have sufficient contempt for the Constitution, Pres. Gropey & Co. are find with them.

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