Thursday, March 21, 2024

A collection of news stuff

First, the former PM of Ireland, who took woke to a new level for there and finally got told to eff off.

Playing "He identifies as a woman so we'll transfer 'her' to a female prison" just doesn't work.
At least if you give a damn about the women.

That sounds like the EffingBI seeing data deleted so nobody could file a Freedom of Information Act action and see it.  Which sounds a bit illegal, doesn't it?

Why yes, it does seem like a college pushing racist training would violate someone's rights.

Well, this doesn't surprise me at all about Fecesbook and (We Are Evil)Google.

1 comment:

  1. I would be fine with a genetic male being housed in a women's prison, provided that first all that is medically possible is done to transform him/it to a woman. That is:

    1) It has been surgically castrated, with the complete removal and of his penis and testicles, which cannot ever be reattached because all the medical waste was incinerated.

    2) Hormone treatments are given to ensure it is no stronger than the median woman and remains so until the end of its sentence.

    Now toss him into general population in a women's prison, with some lurid tales about what he did to deserve his sentence.
