Wednesday, February 07, 2024

The Stupid Party is really living up to its name

My two Senators kept insisting the 'border deal' is a great deal: "It'll close the border!  It'll get money for more INS people to do that!"  Etc.

Lankford kept insisting "Wait until the actual bill is out, you'll see how good it is!"  Mullin basically pushed the same thing.

Bill comes out.  Lankford still insists, last I heard, "It's basically a good bill except for some of the things the Evil Party threw in!", even as people are saying "You signed onto and helped write this piece of shit?"

I'd written to Mullin basically saying the same thing I'd said to Lankford: "You actually thought this mess was a good idea?  Did they lie to you, roll you, or did we just make a big mistake electing you?"  That elicited a mass email saying "I will always work hard on matters that are of concern to you."  NO mention of that idiot bill, no "I screwed up/made a mistake/trusted people I shouldn't have", just "Please let this go away."

And then the Stupid Party couldn't even get all its members in the House to vote to impeach Mayorkas("The border is secure, no matter how many illegal aliens and terrorists are getting through it!").

The only good thing lately is Ronna McDaniel is- wait, turns out she may not be leaving after all.  That combines with some things Trump has been saying, and...

They might as well make 'Stupid Party' their official name.


  1. Fellow Okie7:10 AM

    Lankford is also my senator, i have had the unfortunate opportunity to meet him a couple of times, for some reason i got the impression he likes small islands if you know what i mean so him supporting this crap doesnt surprise me at all.

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Much of the public is wide awake and wise to the scam of the "Decepticons". Nice to see Mitch is having a terrible couple of weeks. Lankford has been moving left since leaving the house, M.W. Mullen pissed backwards on his term limit pledge (There is too much important work for me to leave now).
    These two are my senators as well. Did not vote for either last cycle out protest.
