Sunday, February 04, 2024

Speaking of the Evil Party and the invaders it supports,

I am an American migrant in US Congress. But I am a Somali girl. A girl with your lineage, a girl with your language, a girl with your religion. That was a young child taken from her country and wishes to live there and share with its people.

I am hopeful that in the future me and my children will be able to raise our kids in this land, where I was born and raised. To make that possible there is a lot that WE need [sic] work on together to make our land a more stable and prosperous place.

Add this to what Omar said a few days ago.  She doesn't like the US, she wants to use it for Somali purposes and then leave, and gives aid and comfort to our enemies to do so.  And the Evil Party helped her get into and stay in Congress.

Can you imagine the Democrat Party reaction if someone with an 'R' after their name did something like this?  Oh, it's possible that if they thought it'd aid them they'd take it easy, but probably they'd raise hell and demand they be driven from Congress.  'But it's different when our internal enemy of the country does it.'


  1. Terrytheterrible8:25 AM

    I don't think just an R would receive the back lash that you speak of. The uniparty doesn't want to rock the boat. But if it was a conservative or maga.

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    She’s clearly wasting her talents here.
    Drop her off in downtown Mogadishu (from 6000’ - parachute optional) and let her get to work on the root causes.

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM

    You'd think that'd be enough to kick her out of congress. I mean, shit, they had no problem kicking Santos out, and he wasn't even convicted of anything.
    This bitch voiced full-throated hatred of America.

    These nutless wonders won't do one goddamn thing to her.
    Just... You know, Firehand, it just doesn't give me any faith in anything coming out of that fucking shithole of d.c.
    Wish I did.

  4. Anonymous2:24 PM

    She and all her butt buddies need to be eliminated from the gubbermint in dc. Then to make sure she and her buddies do NOT ever gain any office in the gubbermint while the Universe is still here.
    Then burn their bodies in pig fat when they die.
