Friday, February 09, 2024

Seems like Lankford just wants to keep digging

Apparently telling the truth about this being a sucky bill(unless you're an open-borders Democrat) isn't an option, so complain about conservative media people calling you on this mess.

Hell, if he'd said "Look, Sen. McConnell, our leader in the Senate, helped write this and asked for my support, and I felt I had to give it", it would've meant 'So you cared more about supporting him than about the good of the country?', which would've been bad, but it would have been better than still lecturing us about what a good bill it is, dammit.


  1. Rope. Tree. Politician. Some Assembly Required.

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    1. Lankford wanted to legalize sex with 13yo's when he was an Oklahoma state rep.
    2. Former Rep. Tim Burchett claimed honeytraps are regularly used to force d.c. legislators to enact/block bills.
    3. James O'Keefe aired a video verifying the honeytraps.
    4.Lankford pushed the (non)border/tons of ukraine money bill.

    Not too hard to connect the dots.
