Saturday, February 17, 2024

No surprise; murderers never like being identified

and possibly called to account.  They may disguise it as 'national health service', but they're still murderers.  And because it's the NHS, most of the leftist media loves them no matter what.
The Lords and Commons Family and Child Protection Group, which conducted the study, drew on 17 cases of about 600 to hand. New cases continue to be reported, and one of the most recent involves an 89-year-old Indian grandmother who died this month, 11 days after fluids were withdrawn. The family went to the Court of Protection to halt the actions of the doctors but a judge sitting in secret decided it was not in the patient’s ‘best interests’ to receive continued nutrition and hydration. The Bland judgement of 1993 redefined food and fluid as ‘treatment’ so they could be taken away by Airedale NHS Trust. Neuberger was severely critical of the broad interpretation of this legal precedent to mean that doctors could starve and dehydrate their patients to death whenever they predicted, rightly or wrongly, that death was imminent.

Yet the Court of Protection always seems to side with the doctors who want to kill, and this latest case provides another example of why this sinister institution is Orwellian to the point of having a name which contradicts its actual purpose. It was the same court which in effect sanctioned and covered up the killing of a 19-year-old woman in September.

Just as in the case of ‘ST’, the court in this latest case denied this family the publicity they sought by imposing restrictions on the identity of the grandmother, the staff ‘treating’ her and even the hospital where she spent her final days. Such tyrannical edicts prevent public scrutiny of matters of life and death, precisely where accountability and transparency are most vital in any normally functioning democratic society.

"But if they die, we don't have to pay for further care! It's better for the system!"
Yet the media still hero-worships the NHS and sympathises with campaigners and celebrities who want to change the law to give doctors more power to kill by assisted suicide and euthanasia.

When such horrendous cases first came to light, they were considered so scandalous they could not be ignored, moving the Government ostensibly to accept all 44 recommendations of More Care, Less Pathway.

What followed after 2014 was a classic establishment stitch-up in which the LCP was repackaged and rebranded with replacements perpetuating errors central to the initial lethal dysfunction – imaginary prognoses of death, anticipatory prescribing of drugs via syringe drivers, and the withdrawal of food and fluids following a ‘best interest’ team decision.

Because "We know best, peasants, now shut up or you'll be arrested for causing problems!"

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