Friday, February 23, 2024

More on the current mess in (formerly Great)Britain

Yesterday, the British Parliament changed the way it operates because the Speaker was afraid that some parliamentarians would be murdered if they couldn't be seen to vote for a ceasefire in a war on the other side of the world.

This isn't democracy. This is a country that is unwilling to live by its own rules in order to placate a violent mob.

And efforts are already being made to sweep this reality under the carpet as they did with the murder of Sir David Amess. We can't afford that. We have to be honest and admit it:

We have a problem with Islamist extremism that requires immediate and drastic action. Appeasement doesn't work. If intimidation and threats of violence produce results like the one we saw yesterday, this will only encourage more intimidation and threats of violence.

The government, both the major parties, the police and the security services need to understand we no longer have the luxury of pretending this issue away.

They never did have the luxury, they were just too chickenshit and PC to deal with it.  And now it's really started eating them and their country.

There's more at the link.  And he may well be right: they probably won't have the will to act, and it's going to get worse.

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