Tuesday, February 20, 2024

I wonder how much the Trump case is going to wind up costing New York?

Shark Tank co-host and entrepreneur Kevin O’Leary declared on Monday he would never invest in New York ever again, pointing to a judge ordering Donald Trump to pay $350 million-plus last week as his last straw.

“I’m not different than any other investor. I’m shocked at this. I can’t even understand or fathom the decision at all. There’s no rationale for it,” O’Leary told Neil Cavuto on Fox Business…

O’Leary called Trump’s actions a victimless crime and said other companies are now going to be even more fearful to conduct business in New York, which the Canadian-born O’Leary called a “loser state.”


  1. Any coats from this insanity will be borne by the taxpayers...the little people. Not by the corrupt politicians in power. Like pretty much everything they do.

  2. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Saw an article on Breitbart this morning that Remington is getting ready to move their factories from ny to georgia. This case is just one of several of their reasons.

    1. After the quality of the last 2 Remington shot guns I bought it will be a cold day in hell before I buy another. Plastic has no place on a firearm.
