Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Corrupt, backstabbing crapheads,

and those are their good parts.
"Back in 2019, Democrats articulated a novel theory of impeachment, based on Trump’s refusal to spend money from the USAI—Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative," Vance wrote in a piece for The American Conservative. "Five years after impeaching Trump for refusing to spend money on Ukraine, they have drafted a new law that again requires Trump to spend money on Ukraine. If he negotiates an end to the war, as he has promised to do, they will undoubtedly argue that he has broken the law. We are nearly a year away from an election that could give Trump the presidency, and Ukraine-obsessive Republicans have already given the Democrats a predicate to impeach him."

Throw in that most of the Beltway Republicans hate Trump too, and would love to be rid of him, even if it helps trash the country further.


  1. They can impeach him for any reason at all as we have already seen...

  2. That's because not a single one of them could withstand a forensic audit of their finances because of the kickbacks and political "donations" they are getting from the Ukraine money laundering.

    They all know that the Ukraine scam is a huge piggybank for all of them, and they all want in on it.

  3. Anonymous7:41 AM

    But it was a bipartisan bill!! Democrats are only half the problem for Americans. One of these days we will need a government that does not target its own people.
