Friday, February 02, 2024

As the media does its usual job,

things seem to be getting pretty sporty in Europe as farmers and other citizens tell the EU and 'elites' to go to hell.  And the coverage seems to be... interesting.
The situation escalated in Belgium where farmers surrounded the headquarters of the EU chanting Ursula, we’re coming for you. They piled up straw and muck while the jeunes threw firecrackers – the press said explosives and incendiaries, but they were just firecrackers. EU bureaucrats were trapped inside, and the police responded with water cannon. There were reports of rubber bullets being fired, but I’ve been unable to confirm if this is true – we’ll come back to that. The Brussels protestors seem to have been mostly Belgians, but significant numbers of Italians and French are reported too.

There are reports and pictures of roads blocked throughout Portugal and a delicious clip of tractors seeing off a police armored car in the Netherlands (it might be Belgium; the caption was Pays-Bas.) Expect to see all the local governments capitulate sooner than later, the farmers know where they live. The EU is different, and this is where it gets interesting. The EU “has the organizing ability of the Italians, the flexibility of the Germans, and the modesty of the French. And that’s topped up by the imagination of the Belgians.” They are not accountable to anyone, and they are the true believers in this gnostic death cult that seems to have taken hold of the world’s managerial class. They can be counted on to do something really, really stupid.

The English language press is more useless than usual. One expects that from the American press who couldn’t find Canada on a map never mind Belgium, but GB is just over the water and the entrance to France was blocked. Not peak holiday time so they didn’t notice, if guess. The Daily Mail, which is the best source for middle class wine-mom opinion and loves to bash the working class, has nothing on it. The broadsheets mention it with the most detailed coverage being in the Grauniad. They get it entirely wrong as you might expect, but at least there’s something. The French language press is covering it, but they are party political organs, and the media isn’t trustworthy. The German’s have more, but my German is dire, and I’m limited to the English versions, which often don’t align with the German language version.

Which, again, brings up "Just now much are we NOT hearing about because it doesn't fit the .gov and Professional Media Preferred Narrative™?"

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