Friday, February 02, 2024

And, because the actual play doesn't matter,

they have a woman playing the King, and then she drops out because disability groups insist "You have to find an actor with that handicap to play him or we shall be troublesome!"

Ain't it just wonderful?


  1. NavyEOD2:12 PM

    Some people just have too much free time on their hands!

  2. Never mind that she is ( was) playing a he. Jeeze!

  3. Anonymous5:04 PM

    In the movie The Goodbye Girl, Richard Dreyfus' character gets the part of the king, but gets totally depressed when the director tells him to play the role as a raging queer. Spoiler: the play flops by the third act.
    I'm betting this version of R3 will flop just as fast if not faster, cuz when you mess with source material, you wind up with crap like all women ghostbusters and disney remakes.
