Friday, February 16, 2024

A: I very much hope this holds to be true

And B: Faster, please.
Results from phase two clinical trials at UT Southwestern Medical Center showed that a suspension of gold nanocrystals taken daily by patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease (PD) significantly reversed deficits of metabolites linked to energy activity in the brain and resulted in functional improvements. The findings, published in the Journal of Nanobiotechnology, could eventually help bring this treatment to patients with these and other neurodegenerative diseases, according to the authors.


  1. The pharmaceutical and medical establishments will only cure the ailments that they cannot profit from. Researchers that come close to curing anything that an entire industry has been built to "treat" will never have cures until these 2 fields are forced to exist within the same market forces driven business environment that the rest of us use. Unfortunately, almost all research is .gov funded, including private universities. If they actually had to compete for the consumer's money, we would see medical progress like never before.

    Get .gov TFO of medicine.

  2. unfortunately over 90% of published studies proved false upon review. i hope this is one in the 10 percent.

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    How long before someone can crap nuggets?
    Seriously though, that article is fascinating.
    “Together, the 24 patients experienced an average increase in their NAD+/NADH ratios of 10.4% compared with baseline, showing that CNM-Au8 was targeting the brain as intended.”
