Monday, January 15, 2024

These morons don't care if people die as long as they're playing DEI games

The Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website.

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

The initiative is part of the FAA’s “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, which claims “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.”

I take back morons, these people are freaking INSANE.  And when people die because of this idiocy, they'll try to blame 'insufficient diversity and tolerance' for it.

Holy crap...


  1. The left is firmly in power. Their agenda is the COMPLETE dismantling of western white society. Replacing competent capable people with waste of skin oxygen thieves will hasten that destruction. NONE of what's been happening for the past 30+ years is accidental.

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I haven’t flown since the airlines vid mask mandate.
    I was done then.
    Now with this idiocy, never again.
    I’m not trusting my life or the the time I have left to a damn gender pretender crossdressing midget retard.

    I no longer trust the Medical Establishment either, and that will cost me years. I dont care.

    I got 60yrs in. Anymore is just bonus points. Thats more than alot got!!!

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    So the folks that can’t see, can’t hear, might have a seizure at any time, are coo coo for Cocoa Puffs and dumber than cattle will be PERFECT fit at LAX.

  4. Peaowed4:18 AM

    The other day Southwest Airlines made a big deal about their first all-female flight crew. What I'm eagerly awaiting is an airline to brag about their first "complete paralysis" flight crew. That will be exciting.

  5. Sailorcurt4:49 AM

    Playing devil's advocate here but there are plenty of positions in any major organization that don't involve safety and don't require vast skills, technical knowledge, intelligence or...well...sanity.

    The FAA is primarily a bureaucratic organization subject to the typical government bloat. I have no doubt that the there are plenty of "Second Assistant Sub-Director Of Properly Alphabetized Personnel Records" positions that could be filled by those less-fortunate individuals...not to mention janitors, building maintenance, groundskeepers etc.

    Granted, they shouldn't prioritize employing anyone for any reason other than qualifications, but I doubt this is the "end of aviation safety as we know it" event it's being made out to be.

    That 737 Door plug blowing is an anecdote, not data. If Aviation Safety is deteriorating due to DEI initiatives, there should be a data trend to demonstrate it. Individual incidents do not a trend make any more than a heat wave proves "anthropogenic global warming" is happening. Sometimes sh1t just happens despite our best efforts and intentions. Unfortunately, sh1t happening in aviation tends to result in fiery crashes and death. That's the risk you take when you volunteer to ride in an aluminum tube traveling several hundred miles per hour six miles above the ground.
