Friday, January 26, 2024

Since screaming 'Racist!' and anyone for anything has lost a lot of sting,

the new Magic Slander seems to be 'Genocidal Palestinian Hater!'  Especially to try and shut people up when they say things a Protected Species doesn't like.
Five participants in the TED fellows program, which supports and promotes emerging voices in a variety of fields across the globe, resigned Wednesday after the public-speaking organization invited hedge-fund manager Bill Ackman and journalist Bari Weiss to speak at its 2024 flagship conference in Vancouver. ...Titled “TED Fellows refuse to be associated with genocide apologists,” the letter accused TED of choosing “not only to align itself with enablers and supporters of genocide, but to amplify their racist propaganda.”
Etc. ad Bullshit.  Striking back against a mass-murder attack that includes rape and torture is 'overreacting', going after the actual Hamas bastards is 'genocidal', and so forth.  And how dare anyone be allowed to defend the Israeli's actions?  That's RACIST, too!(same genetic mix for the most part, but who cares about that when you can call one side racist?)

From academics who claim to be teaching/training future leaders...

1 comment:

  1. "Anti-Semite" is the new racist. And both parties throw it around anytime they don't like someone. Used to be "anti-Semite" was someone who didn't like Jews. Now it is everyone the Jews don't like.
