Monday, January 29, 2024

No wonder the EffingBI is even worse than it used to be

“The FBI does not appear to be getting experienced, ‘mature’ candidates, such as the former cop, former military person, the professional career person, the lawyer, accountant or engineer.”

Sound familiar? The U.S. Army has the same problem. The brass can’t seem to recruit anybody who can do a push-up. Who in their right mind wants to risk their life by joining an organization run by entitled, shiftless incompetents who despise them?

“The FBI is now a joke among other law enforcement agencies because of its apparent investigative failures, political targeting of certain individuals/groups, and woke adoption… The FBI is considering hiring candidates not accepted by other law enforcement agencies.”

The G-men have Diversity Recruitment Events — “straight white males may not attend.”

In other words, there’s no room for a modern-day Inspector Lew Erskine. But Dylan Mulvaney or Jussie Smollett — come on down!

The FBI denies that they’re having problems recruiting qualified people. But then, the G-men lie about almost everything, as you may have noticed. It’s part of their “sources and methods.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    “The FBI is now a joke among other law enforcement agencies”
    It has been for decades. Local PD found out very soon that information only traveled one way.
    “We give to you —> you don’t give us shit so you can take the credit.”
    Never met a cop that trusted the feds and that’s VERY telling. Seeing they’re “on the same side.”
