Monday, January 22, 2024

"I mentor kids to stay off drugs,

my being stoned while driving my Lexus and deciding to drive the wrong way on a street and then run into a cop has nothing to do with that!"

Or something like that.

Not that, despite admitting she did it deliberately, she got really low bail.  Isn't NYeffingCity wonderful?


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "however questions have been raised over why she was not charged with attempted murder in the blatant attack."

    Just a guess; it couldn't be because of the content of her character, so it must be the other thing.

  2. Assault with a deadly weapon, minimum.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    She is either black or an invading alien or both, privileged human in this country.

  4. Read further, she has prior arrests for property destruction as well as reckless driving, but she seems to have a get out of jail free card...
