Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Having actually gotten something done, I will now have some political musing

Specifically "Is Trump the Disaster?"
As in all the people insisting the left really wants Trump to be the Stupid Party nominee because 'We can beat him but maybe not the others, especially de Santis.'   Therefore the right has fallen into the trap, and all the indictments and trials were actually for this purpose.

Beats me.  It's a fact that the left tends to hold together a lot more than the right, but for the most part I haven't seen any bursts of genius there, either.  And it would take an awful lot of party discipline to make this work, especially since they'd have to know that every prosecutor and investigator would have anything they've done improperly dug up and used against them(see Georgia).

Could they do it?  Possibly.  Is Trump actually the no-chance candidate because of the leftists and Stupid Party "He's not one of us!" people?  Possibly.

Of course, Trump is where he is in large part because of those Stupid Party clowns(see multiple decades of "They'll have to vote for us, who else can they vote for?"); they acted like they truly didn't understand why anyone with a brain, or who 'went to the right schools and knew the right people', could possibly vote for that outsider, not realizing the truth of that saying that "Trump isn't the cause, he's the symptom."  Piss people off enough, crap on them long enough, and they'll be willing to support someone, damn near anyone, who'll give you a kick in the ass.

Trump wasn't my guy the first time, I really didn't trust him on a number of things(one of them his being pretty soft on the 2nd), and I thought the way he treated Ted Cruz and his family was disgusting.  He was the "I'd vote for damn near ANYONE to keep Hillary out of office" guy as it turned out.  And he did do some really good things, more than I'd hoped for.  He's kind of pissed me off this time as well, mostly his treating de Santis like some kind of rogue who doesn't understand he's supposed to be kissing ass, not actually trying to accomplish this; that was really dumb.

The opposition this time?  We don't know.  Biden may well have a brain snap that cannot be papered over by the media and his staff, or fall over dead.  Or there be an impeachment with enough evidence that only the hard left can ignore it, or dismiss it.  Problem is, the choices...  the VP is a sorry clown who can't speak worth a damn, has a lot of luggage*, and hasn't actually accomplished one damn thing other than running most of her staff off.  There's a bunch of noise that Michelle Obama will be the 'called at the last minute' savior of the Party(which Obama would love, as it would effectively give him yet another term in charge).  Anyone else on the left, like Gov. HairGel, who might run would be just as bad as Biden but with more energy.  If Trump is indeed the winner, it would again be 'either vote for him or watch another socialist get elected no matter how much cheating it takes'.  And would enough of the never Trumpers understand that and vote for him?

I have no crystal ball or connection to a genie to tell me what'll happen, I'm going to be finding out along with everyone else.  I have no great trust in the Stupid Party, as recent events demonstrated- again- that those elected because "Maybe they'll do better than the previous backstabber" are too often just as squishy as the previous, and just as big on "Well, we had to betray you because (fill in the blank)."  Just like the previous.

There's a line in a Correia book where Agent Franks, who knew him, thinks that if George Washington came back to life and looked around, he'd be cleaning out the White House and Congress with his sword.  We could really use him right now.

*including calling Biden a racist in debate, then being gutted by Tulsi Gabbard(the only one on that stage who had the guts to call her for the asshat she is, and did it beautifully), and then kissing Biden's ass to be chosen as VP.


  1. The left is merely trying any and all tactic, throwing everything they can against the wall and seeing what might stick. And it's all mostly done as a distraction. None of this is to insure they win. It's too keep most people from paying attention to the fraud they are planning and will be using to keep ANYONE they don't approve of out of office. TINVOWOOT

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I think that if George Washington came back today he would garner the same reaction as Trump.
    It take a man with a F U attitude to get things done. Trump may be all the things that most of don't like, but he is also all the things that we all secretly admire.
    Find someone else who could weather the beating he has taken from the left and still come out standing I'd consider him. Until then, Trump, Trump, Trump.
