Friday, January 05, 2024

'Had You Known, Would You Have Taken the Jab?'

Things seems so damned iffy, and there was so much bullshit and threats being thrown by the 'experts', I didn't want it.  Then found out that at least one of the vaccines could badly aggravate a medical condition I had, so
Doctor: I really wish you would take the Johnson version.
Me: I read that it can cause problems with this condition.
Doctor: I won't lie to you, it can.
Me: No.

Between being lied to about the threat is actually wasn't to most people, especially younger ones and kids, and how little it actually was to older people unless had some preexisting condition/conditions that made them vulnerable, it was a flat "NO."  Then the reports of side effects that the .gov tried to hush up, and even more attacks on people, including doctors and researchers who dared to question the Preferred Narrative™, and it became "Fuck you, NO."  Throw in the idiots telling us it should be universally required, and you either get forcibly vaccinated and/or thrown in a camp(see Australia), and it became "Over my dead body.  And a bunch of others, because I'm not going."

So there's a serious lawsuit against Pfizer.  We'll see what happens.

Oh, and Sen. Sanders, who's had every vaccine and booster, just caught it again.  "But it would've been worse if I hadn't had all the shots."


  1. Wylie17:31 AM

    This issue has damaged relations in the family. The most pro-vax BIL has had Covid three times now, was off work for a month and still won't admit there is a problem. Twenty minutes later he talks about the unusual number of his (left wing) friends-associates-clients who've died young-unexpectedly-unexplainable. Just had to ask; "This is all Trump's fault, isn't it?" His glare could kill. He knows I know he knows. He'll drop dead before ever admitting the jab was wrong.

  2. Steve7:51 AM

    In 2002, I'd had enough of the mainstream media news and just said no more. I quit cold turkey. By the time this nonsense rolled around I was super skeptical from the beginning. As occasionally passing by news broadcasts the lies were increasingly more evident. Some entered occasional doubt into my mind, but I stuck to the facts between the lines that it never really was a threat any greater than the flu or cold. I grew up with vaccines and such, but NEVER again. It has long since not been about our health, only money.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Not taking the vaxx was one of my reasons for retiring in 9/20. My employer required it and I was very skeptical.

  4. I was torn about it until it became mandatory. That's when I knew it was a money generating scam.

  5. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Fuck you you stupid fucking conspiracy theorist cunt.

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The Bernie has been taken into custody and is currently being charged/interrogated for treason and other crimes. How he cooperates will determine whether he recovers(full cooperation) or dies from covid(refuses to cooperate). The deep state is being fully dismantled. If he ultimately dies of natural causes it means he keeps his reputation and good name, if he dies of covid we will soon learn the full extent of his corruption.

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I like being a Pureblood.
    Do’in Great. And worked the whole time. Gun store.
    No mask, ever. We have a good boss.
    Shook hands when it was accepted.

    But man we saw soon loons! One dude in a complete bio-suit 😂😂

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I first heard about the dangers from a video by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny when the stuff was just beginning to be rolled out.
    She (and so many more censored doctors/nurses) were dead right.

  9. It's a good thing Sanders went to school and received the NottaDumbschitt vaccines. No telling how bad it would have been.

  10. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I was one that was told take the shot or be fired. But, of course, it is voluntary. I wonder if the CEO tells the young coed to voluntarily have sex with him or be fired if it is a still considered "voluntary".

    I'm hoping a bunch of employers get sued out of existence.

  11. Anonymous3:45 PM

    My wife, a medical professional badgered me to no end to take the shot. I did, no effect to this point, but total regret.

  12. Ah, the "You conspiracy nut!" anony has been heard from.

    One of the things that really pissed me off was that after that bastard Ferguson at King's College made his apocalyptic death prediction(not his first, and the others were all wrong too), there was an epidemiologist also at King's College who said "Yes, it's a new virus. Yes, it's a problem. No, it's not as bad as some are claiming and people are overreacting."
    Even after Ferguson was forced to reduce his predicted death count- by an order of magnitude as I recall- people kept acting like he was a god of medicine, but her you never heard from again, at least not publicly that I know of.

  13. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Can't wait until there are the " Have you or a loved one been injured or died from one of the Covid vaxxes? Call Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe now to join the nationwide class action lawsuit against the vax manufacturers." commercials every hour.

  14. and after 18 months of "covid", working in a petri dish otherwise known as a coed military institute as an "essential" employee, they sent me an email telling me to get the jab or else. i or-elsed on out the door. still not regretting being pure blood.

  15. Wild, wild west8:02 PM

    All you needed to know about the jab was the drug companies got immunity from liability if things went wrong and were allowed to start shipping out the product without benefit of normal drug testing. End of story, or maybe just the beginning.

  16. Fortunately i'd given up on the msm 30 years ago, it takes a while to deprogram but once you're clear of it you won't ever go back.

    A Scottish blogger, retired micro biologist, warned his readers about the jabs, soon confirmed by the likes of Mike Yeadon (ex Pfizer) and then others.

    We had a funeral director in England called John O'Looney who blew the whilstle on what was really happening at the time.

    Then there was the imprisonment of the old in (un)care homes not allowed visitors, and pumped full of Midazolam...look up the side effects yourself...i can still see one now famous clip of a nurse trying to get to see her dear old mother at one of these homes and the bloody witch shut the window on her with the poor old ladylooking demoralised and lost behind her, my pure blood Latin Mrs would have dragged that warder straight through the window without opening it.
    Apparently said nurse did manage to rescue her mother and our intrepid boys in blue stopped and arrested her and returned the old lady to her care home fate.

    Britain is lost.

    Just watched Tucker interviewing Brett Weinstein on his Twitter platform, that's worth an hour of your time.

    Made some olympic standard stupid decisions over the course of my life, ignoring those swine and not taking the jabs wasn't one of bad choices.

  17. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Neither the wife or I ever took the jab. The scenes in China of people collapsing in the street looked fake. Just waited and sure enough, it was BS start to finish.

  18. Among the things that bothered me was the trust all these experts put in what the bloody PRC said. Since when have they been trustworthy?
